Lovely Awkward: A Year of Wine, Romance and Life Among the French

Lovely Awkward: A Year of Wine, Romance and Life Among the French

Saturday, 18 September 2010

The tourists are gone, but I'm still here

I think I've finally become a townie here in Nice.

For my entire life, some part of me has been a tourist. Each year, my family closes up our cottage in Muskoka, Ontario when the autumn begins so we can go back to the cities where we live. The experience is sad and nostalgic -- when you're the one leaving. Recently here in Nice, however, I've begun to realize that I'm staying. The fall is here and this time, it's the other tourists who are leaving. I like this. I like feeling relieved when the pace slows down. I like not having to say good-bye. I guess it's a good thing that I'm not envious that they get to leave... that I'm happy I'm staying.

In 2004, when I lived for several months in Muskoka, I wrote a story for the Toronto Star about leaving the cottage at the end of a longer-than-usual visit. Since this is what many people in Canada are probably doing these days, I'm going to post it for my own nostalgic reasons...

2004-10-21 Pushing the season in Muskoka -- Toronto Star


  1. I enjoyed your post and the older Muskoka story.
    Pleased to hear you are "happy to be staying".

  2. Hi Kerry - have been folloing your adventure since the beginning and when there is nothing posted I feel sad. So very glad that your are happy to be staying France. Thanks for posting your cottage story - a wonderful tale of life up North in the fall - something I've never done - brrrrr.. Can't wait for the book!!!!!



  3. I love your Muskoka story. The couple really did hear you shout???

    No longer a tourist, that must really feel great. I WAS the tourist, sad that I was leaving France!


  4. Yes, they heard. Unbelievable!

    It's always sad to be a tourist... but fun, too. It's an odd position to be in when you arrive and then leave all the time.

  5. Starzz and Sally: So far France is great, but the fall here is nothing compared to the beauty of an autumn in Canada. I'll be sad to miss Thanksgiving...

