(Photo: Dessert made by my new belle-mere/Kerry MacGregor)
When people switch the cultures they live in or even when two cultures simply interact, those people's eating habits often change. And if they don't, sometimes they really should. These changes can depend on climate, food availability, cultural habits and physical habits (ie. exercise), happiness and even romantic possibilities.
Since I ran away to France for a romance with a Frenchman, a lot of things have changed in my life. I've gone on more hikes, eaten more cheese, started driving a scooter, began drinking more wine, eating my dinners later, and I've gotten married. Almost in that order.
But, I've also been holding on to some of my Canadian habits -- including snacking. I haven't continued snacking because I'm crazy about food, but because, in Canada, I was always told that it was healthier to eat small portions throughout the day. But, this just isn't working for me in France. I've posted a few stories about my habits and my observations. Now, here's some of my research into how an expat should really be eating in France. (At least, the Canadian ones.)
The French Don't Get Fat?
French women don't get fat, you say?
Eating in the land of the olives
Part I - Canada
Part 2 - France
Part 3 - The Food Guides