Lovely Awkward: A Year of Wine, Romance and Life Among the French

Lovely Awkward: A Year of Wine, Romance and Life Among the French

Friday, 12 February 2010

The Valentine's plan

We've talked about Paris and skiing, but after going for chocolate milk and chocolate crepes on the beach (even with the snow around... and oh, my tummy hurts), I think we're feeling like staying a little closer to home for Valentine's Day. The scooter purchase could be made tomorrow if the roads stop being so wet.

Today, we drove in the sunshine and stared at scooters -- parked ones, ones being driven and others being sold. It was a good project to show us how we work as a team. Sure... as a team of stalkers that is making everyone uncomfortable by looking them up and down, but a team nonetheless. And we were great -- even under the pressure of snowball attacks from the children who had stayed home from school.

So... hopefully tomorrow we will end this transportation quandary for good! Except for Valentine's Day, when we have to figure out which way the sun sets so we can ride off into it together.

p.s. Saw this in a local paper... this is NOT our plan.

"An excuse to kiss on Valentines shouldn't be necessary but just in case you don’t get enough lip action with your love then consider paying Roquemaure a visit.

This village in the Côte du Rhône is the final resting-place of Saint Valentine and in 1988 a local priest launched the Fête du Baiser or Kissing Festival. Now 800 people parade through the streets carrying the relics of the 14th Century saint. It’s common for couples to lock lips in front of the Patron Saint of Love, though such an act is not to be taken lightly - many swear that it sends lovers hurtling down the aisle."
-The Riviera Times

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