Lovely Awkward: A Year of Wine, Romance and Life Among the French

Lovely Awkward: A Year of Wine, Romance and Life Among the French

Friday, 4 December 2009

To know I'm not alone...

Since I started writing this column for the Toronto Star, I've been telling the story of my own fumbling romance. But I've also been getting other people's stories -- many of which are even better. I've heard stories of giant leaps and little ones, chances never taken, leaps that didn't work out and ones that are still going after several decades. It's better than going to the movies.

I'm now writing a book, based on the columns and the rest of this first year. If anyone else has stories they'd like to tell me about their romantic leaps, I'd love to hear them. Advice is always appreciated, but it's also just nice to hear that other people have done the same crazy thing. Support!


  1. So excited for the book! Good luck!

  2. Thanks! Once I get this visa business sorted out... I'll have a lot of writing to do!

  3. i moved, full of romance and hope, to the Netherlands for my Dutchman in 2001. i was a 40yo nurse from motreal and really independant.hmmmm..not once i moved!! after a tangle of paperwork and being told my language, my drivers' licencem my diplomas and my job skills were worthless i set out on the long road of integration. believe me, once the fog of love and adventure dissipates...the hard work of building a new life sets in. i worked in jobs way below my abilities, learned dutch and graduated with honours from a dutch university with a nursing degree a few years ago and am presently working as a nurse specialist. my dutchie and i married in 2005 and have grown together, this wild ride bonding us forever.
    wish you luck my dear through your's only just begun.

  4. Oh, I'm expecting this to be very hard work. I think that's what most of my hesitation was about. I know there will be a gap between the time that I fly there and the time that I figure out how I'm going to live in France. I love the idea that the "wild ride" bonds you forever, though, Susy. Hope so.
