Lovely Awkward: A Year of Wine, Romance and Life Among the French

Lovely Awkward: A Year of Wine, Romance and Life Among the French

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Decorating a home in France à l'ancienne

French flea market style (French shabby chic), taken from the blog, which I think took it from the blog Little Emma English Home.

Well, we're on our way to buying a new home!!

We're either going to sell our current apartment or rent it -- we're still not sure -- but we've signed some papers to buy another place here in Nice, closer to downtown and the sea. We've chosen a place in Le Ray or Saint-Maurice, depending on which map you consult. Some of the houses near Parc Chambrun give a sense of the neighborhood, even though they're a lot more bourgeoise than where we'll be living.

Since we haven't sold the first place, we haven't exactly bought a dream home, but we've bought one the could be pretty dreamy with a bit of work. We're going to have to be thrifty, though, and we'll have to do a lot of work ourselves. I've already started my furniture research...

Back in Canada, my style was a mix of modern, natural fibres, handmade art, and thrift finds.

My old apartment in Ottawa, Canada.

Here in France, I'm thinking I might go a little more for something like this (while toning down the French ruffly girlishness):

Pinterest: French Flea Market Style French Flea Market

What do you think?

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