Lovely Awkward: A Year of Wine, Romance and Life Among the French

Lovely Awkward: A Year of Wine, Romance and Life Among the French

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

View from the birthing room (eventually)

I went to the maternity ward yesterday -- not to give birth, but for a tour to help with my newest cultural adjustment here in France. I've gone through enough of the cheese-eating, wine-drinking, and vocabulary-learning steps of living here and now I'm on to the birthing balls, sage-femmes (sort of like midwives in Canada) and views from maternity ward windows. If the baby decides to become before Christmas, it seems a Mediterranean Santa will be looking on...

View from the window of the maternity ward in Nice.


  1. Very beautiful view. I love that Santa Claus. Does he shine at night? Ha.


  2. I'm fairly sure he's made of lights. I just hope I don't start having dreams of him laughing and talking to me like a birthing coach.

  3. Yes, he looks like he's full of lights from the inside.

    I have a quick question re the cannelé de Bordeaux. My friend is trying to make them but wonders how/where to get the mold. From your previous posting, you said that your mom made them with a mold the Prof provided. But you need more than one mold to make them all at the same time?


  4. Carmen: There are two kinds of molds (moulds, moules) -- single ones and ones that are all attached like a muffin sheet. We had two of the big sheet ones. I think people with the little singular ones use a dozen at a time.

    There are a bunch of different ones here:

    Good luck!!

  5. Thanks Kerry! You're still answering questions! I will pass on the message to her and see what she finds!

    So, all set - well for both Noel and your bebe?

    Joyeuses Fetes!


  6. Hi Kerry
    Is the baby out yet? :) I can't wait to see his little cute face:*
    Hope you are doing great and enjoying your time.
    Take care

  7. Anita: Yep! That's why it's now taking me so long to respond! We're doing well. I just posted a few pictures and a little story about the birth.

