Lovely Awkward: A Year of Wine, Romance and Life Among the French

Lovely Awkward: A Year of Wine, Romance and Life Among the French

Monday, 12 September 2011

Giving birth to a new plan for France

I've got a few interesting projects that I'll be reporting on this fall -- one of them more exciting and daunting than the rest.

First, the daunting one: We're making our very own Frenchman! (Or Frenchwoman!) I'm pregnant!

I must admit, some of the pictures I posted from Canada had to be cleverly cropped so I didn't reveal our little secret before I was ready. Before it was official. Or safe. Or however I'm supposed to describe that period where a pregnant woman is caught up in this big, giggly whirlwind of an experience, but unable to tell anyone about it.

I can't believe how much my life has changed in just two years ... but I'll talk more about those changes and the pregnancy (in France -- I swear, it's different) in future posts.

For now, here's a preview of our fall projects:

1) Real Estate: We're selling the apartment and buying a new one. I'll post some tips, links and how-tos for buying and selling real estate in the South of France. (You don't have to live here to check out some of these amazing places...)

2) Baby: Want to figure out what makes the French who they are? We're building a Frenchman from the ground up! (It's "le bébé," so it's considered a boy until you know.) The baby will be half Canadian and half French, of course, but this is the project that will push me to make the leap from being a visitor to full-on familial integration. From finding a doctor to medical care to raising children the French way, I'm learning about it all. Will post some funny stories and insights -- I've already got a few!

3) Writing: The first book is still in the works, along with a few other big writing projects. I'll start posting a few excepts, along with some status updates on various projects. (With the baby coming, I've REALLY got a deadline now!)

4) Blog: This week, I'm re-doing it all! I'm going to make Lovely Awkward better by adding a guide to visiting Nice and the Côte d'Azur, some language tips, more recipes and neighbourhood guides, and some restaurant reviews -- basically, anything I'd offer a friend who wanted to come and spend some time with me in the South of France. I'll also post a few pictures for sale.

And that's the plan so far...


  1. Well, congrats again! Glad the pregnancy is going well. I'm sure you will get a crash-course in French culture and parenting very soon :-D

  2. Zhu: Thanks! It was so nice to see you in Canada. We ran a little short on time at the end, and then suddenly we were back in France! Hopefully we can still keep in touch. It was great to talk to someone who'd leaped in the other direction! Also... love what you've done to the blog while I was away, off-line.

  3. Wow, congratulations Kerry! All amazing news! I'm sure you'll be VERY BUSY in the are you going to manage all that? Would love to meet you in person one day, maybe in the beautiful South of France! Can't wait to see all your updates!


  4. Carmen: I dropped my car keys in a parking lot and when I tried to pick them up, I could barely lift my weight along with the groceries. I hope THAT's not the kind of busy I'm going to be all fall!

    Thanks for the congratulations!
