Lovely Awkward: A Year of Wine, Romance and Life Among the French

Lovely Awkward: A Year of Wine, Romance and Life Among the French

Monday 18 April 2011

A pause before the French celebration

I've decided that I'm going to have to stop blogging for two weeks since I have so much to do before my family gets here for the French wedding party. We're holding it near the Loire Valley and we still have to figure out where all of the guests will sit, what music we're playing, the menu, the transportation, and where everyone will sleep. The party is supposed to be small and more like a dinner rather than a wedding, but there's still work to be done.

I'm also trying to get the book as polished as I can before my family arrives. They're going to help me cheat by reminding me of all of the things that I found strange when I first arrived in Nice, France. I guess they'll go through a bit of the same culture shock as I did. At least, that's what I'm hoping (sorry, Mom). Then, when I've added in all parts that I've forgotten, I'll almost be finished with the Lovely Awkward project!

So, I need two weeks. And I need to work! (And I still need a dress!)

Since a few of my friends are currently in exams or writing papers, I guess this might be a good time to post some of the "focus" tools I've found to guide me through this two-week work binge.

Focus Booster -- allows you to work with the pressure-building sound of a metronome (Or just helps you keep your mind on task for a set amount of time -- you can turn off the metronome sound.)
StayFocusd -- limits your time on certain sites and then blocks them when you've reached the limit. (Scares me, not sure if I'm going to use it. Depends on whether or not there's an override. What if I had an emergency?! It can also apparently access your data on ALL websites. That's just wrong.)

Here are three things I've never used, but just found online:
Remember the Milk
Joe's Goals
Countdown timer

And... I since I'm still searching for more tools that I've never used before, I guess I'm going to stop myself. Procrastinating by looking for anti-procrastination tools is just wrong.

If anything crazy happens in the next few weeks, I'll post. Otherwise, I'll save my "posting goals" (I just learned about that, online) for the month of action and celebration that's on its way.

My two-week ban on extra writing only applies to the blog, for the moment. I'll still be on Facebook and Twitter. I'm also still a little desperate to find a normal-looking dress in France! (Store suggestions still welcome!)


  1. There's always something to do, no matter how small the event.

    Anyway, the dress... My mom and I went downtown this afternoon to check the store out. It's Tara Jarmon and the prices from what we saw weren't ridiculous. (The store is at 10 rue de la Liberte, near Galleries Lafayette). I don't know what your budget is but it may be worth a look if only for inspiration.

    I just learned that Tara Jarmon is une canadienne...funny that there isn't one store or boutique in Canada though. Anyway, check it out. Her website is for those with superhuman vision.

    Good luck with the planning and the details and just enjoy it all. (And stop procrastinating!)

  2. Tanya, you're amazing! That's hilarious that she's Canadian. I'm checking out the dresses right now... !

    I hope you and your mom are having fun wandering around the Cote d'Azur. She's got perfect weather for her trip! I hope my mom is just as lucky. I've told her that a May in Nice is warmer than an Ontario August.

  3. Well, I hope nothing weird or complicated will happen although it would certainly make a funny story :-)

    I almost never use online tools because I always spend more time looking for the perfect tool (and then eventually a "more perfect" tool) and I don't get anything done!

  4. Zhu: That is EXACTLY what I've been doing. I set out looking for work timers (although I already had one) and ended up analyzing what I eat because I found some sort of tool to do that. I guess that posting back-fired on me :-)

  5. Wish you a great an amazing time :) although im gona miss u cuz i got used to reading u every day. But you should promise that u will write us all the details of ur French wedding once ur done :* wish i could see ur pics too!

  6. Anita: I'll be back before the French wedding party. I just need to get a few things organized so I can be sure we'll pull it off!

    (Plus, I need to make sure I've recorded all the details for the book!)
