Lovely Awkward: A Year of Wine, Romance and Life Among the French

Lovely Awkward: A Year of Wine, Romance and Life Among the French

Monday, 14 February 2011

This is NOT our song.

So, the Prof tells me that the French like to listen to English music, but they don't always care about the lyrics. This had better be true. He just came home, on Valentine's Day, and told me that he'd found our song. What is it? Don't Speak, by No Doubt. Ha! He said he was thinking of me when he heard the song in the car, but I think the reminder just has something to do with the fact that we still have somewhat of a language barrier. Thank goodness for the language of love...

Any one else have cross-cultural language slip-ups to report?


  1. LOL! Do you guys have any cute language slip-ups that you'd care to share?

  2. Oh. Haha. I think that's what our relationship is built on! We've had so many speaking slip-ups, but we've had a number of hearing ones, too.

    Depending on your accent, for instance, "hungry" and "angry" -- even on a romantic night out -- can be easily confused.

    What about you?

  3. All the time! SO many lost in translation moments I can't even think (first sips of morning coffee over here). The only one that's coming to mind though is when my French husband asks me if I'm in a "bad moon" instead of "bad mood"

  4. Sara Louise: That's hilarious! I guess some men think women's moods are tied to the moon ... so it could make some sense.

    We also have some confusion with "fun" and "funny" which can be more confusing that you'd think.

    And I make plenty of French mix-ups. I went around one party telling everyone that I ate "sailboats" when I meant to say that I ate "things that fly" and not red meat.
