Lovely Awkward: A Year of Wine, Romance and Life Among the French

Lovely Awkward: A Year of Wine, Romance and Life Among the French

Sunday, 10 October 2010

What to do for Thanksgiving in France...

Last year, I made an effort to create a little Thanksgiving dinner in France, but I'll admit now that last year's attempt wasn't so successful. Usually I've got my mom around to help -- or, well, do most of the work.

This year, still in France, I have a number of packages of powdered Saint-Hubert BBQ sauce (I know, there are ways to make gravy without that -- I just wanted to have something truly Canadian), but that's it! Making dinner tomorrow...

Mashed potatoes?

Now that I know so much about French food (or have at least eaten so much of it), I really want to go authentic this year. Suggestions welcome! And if anyone knows where to buy these things in Nice ... pass over the info!! (Thanksgiving, after all, is about sharing.)


  1. I don't know it it's too late to comment but how about a pumpkin pie?

    Good luck with the Thanksgiving dinner!

  2. Not too late, but hard to find! A dinner of pumpkin pie alone would make ME feel happy. (although, still in search of other additions)

  3. Update: I am at home and the Professor is wandering around a French grocery somewhere, asking for anything made with pumpkin. He's also in search of cranberries (or something similar).

    I'm thankful someone else has offered to go on the hunt!

  4. Nice. Let's see what the Professor brings back! I assume you'll upload a picture of your dinner?


  5. I would, but we ate it all! In the end, we only found potatoes and chicken. So, to make ourselves feel Thanksgivingish, we stuffed as much as we could into our stomachs. Oh ... the pain of being full ... but it feels like home.

    I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving!
