Lovely Awkward: A Year of Wine, Romance and Life Among the French

Lovely Awkward: A Year of Wine, Romance and Life Among the French

Sunday, 6 June 2010

To market, to market

We went to one of the markets in the centre of Nice today where we bought fresh figues, cherries, tiny little peaches, asparagus, fresh cheese and a bunch of other delicious things. I'd never been to the market here before and it was such a comforting thing to do on a Sunday. The market in Cours Saleya is always talked about and is where all the tourists seem to go, but we found another market on Avenue Malausséna, which seemed to be even bigger.

One thing that they were selling that I've never bought before were the flowers from the tops of zucchinis (this is what's in the pictures I've included in this post). The woman selling them said we should deep fry them in crêpe batter. So, the Professor is in the kitchen right now making these odd little doughnut-like flowers for lunch.

This is what we were told to do with these flowers...

And this is what they looked like in the deep fryer. Unfortunately, I'm being very unhelpful and have just been getting in the way with my camera. But the Professor seems to know what he's doing -- even if we did just learn about this strange food phenomenon an hour ago.


  1. What's the taste like??????


  2. Um, like French fries? But with a little zucchini flavour (like the deep fried zucchini sticks you can get in bars in Canada) and a bit crepe-ish. But good. And probably quite unhealthy!

  3. More strange food posts please!

  4. Really? I've got a few recipes on the side, but there's far more strange food here than I'm posting. I just need to convince M. Professor, the chef, to show me how to make it.

  5. Yes! More food...and I like the idea of flower-doughnuts. Sounds delicious :) (Try stuffing them with Gorgonzola...delicious, I promise!)
