Lovely Awkward: A Year of Wine, Romance and Life Among the French

Lovely Awkward: A Year of Wine, Romance and Life Among the French

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Easter in France

Apparently the French don't have the same sort of Easter we have in Canada. This makes me a little homesick because Easter is one of the three times a year that my family would definitely all get together. Now we're all off living in different areas and doing different things :(

To help deal with this loss of tradition, I bought a bag of tiny chocolate eggs and told the Professor that in Canada, we hide them and have a treasure hunt. I forgot to tell him that the treasure hunt is only for kids. So, I've been finding those tiny little eggs everywhere! I discovered one at the bottom of my salad at dinner last night, covered in salad dressing... one in my box of hair brushes ... one on the shelf in the bedroom. I'm now assuming I've got one in the toe of every shoe and that I'll be finding them under the couch for months. Hmm... luckily chocolate, found months after it's hidden, can still be a delicious discovery.

Happy Easter!

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