Lovely Awkward: A Year of Wine, Romance and Life Among the French

Lovely Awkward: A Year of Wine, Romance and Life Among the French

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

My proposal for this tale of romance

Took the scooter out yesterday and got lost again. Tried to make it to a fountain where we were supposed to meet, but couldn't seem to find my way there through the streets. But when I saw the fountain in the distance through a crowd of people, I went for it... driving very slowly through the crowd of people. I even thought of driving through a jewelry store at one point when I felt particularly trapped. I felt like I was racing to a rendez-vous in a movie... only much, much slower and with absolutely no action scenes.

While I was lost on the streets, driving and taking little peeks at my map, I did some thinking. My birthday is coming soon and I can feel a decisive moment coming on. Years ago, I used to work up to each birthday -- to have something new in my life so I felt progress was being made. This time, the whole life is new.

For my birthday, this year, the Professor and I are going to Spain. And I think it's important for me to have much more of this book done before I reach that point ... as well as a few other things.

Lately, the relationship has really been going through an evolution. We've gotten past some of the foreign excitement over each other and have moved on to figuring out if this will really work -- in the same way that I would have assessed a relationship back home. I now have a few friends, a means of transportation (albeit scary as hell) and have set up a few job interviews. I'm getting ready for this new life to actually take hold. And I'm ready to figure out if I'll keep it.

I think that this pursuit of the happily ever after will be the main point of the book... the choice to leap for happiness and then an honest look at what that leap might actually get you. At the moment, I'm still not entirely sure if I can tell you.

I know that when my birthday comes around (soon!), I'll be giving this a lot of thought. And, I might actually make some important decisions. So, I need a little time to go into romantic free fall so I can really live this life without thinking about how I'll write about it on the blog. I hope that isn't too frustrating.

My other thought is that I don't want to spoil the entire book here! There's so much more content in the book already, but I've been thinking about how dangerous it would be to give away the ending!!! So, I'm proposing a compromise. Let me know what you think.

My proposal is to start posting photos rather than words -- just for a bit. The photos will hint at how things are going, of course, but I'll get to save some of the thinking and the text for the book. And that should also give me a little time as I come up to my birthday to give this some real, personal thought.

I'll still share the thoughts eventually... but not just yet. And, through photos, I'll be able to show you so much more of this beautiful place!

Just give me a few weeks ... then I'll really have some thoughts and experiences worth reading...


  1. Will miss your words very much but I'm sure you must not only get some others things done but also give yourself time to just melt into the relationship without thinking of your cheering squad. Looking forward to the photos.


  2. Yeah... I do just need a little time. But hopefully the photos will be interesting. I feel as though I've left out so much of that type of detail!

  3. I'm sure the photos will be interesting. Well, pictures speak a thousand words! Take whatever time you need and don't feel pressured in writing your blog every day. Of course you need your own "ME time" to think things through.

    And early "Bon anniversaire"!!!

