Lovely Awkward: A Year of Wine, Romance and Life Among the French

Lovely Awkward: A Year of Wine, Romance and Life Among the French

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Finally, the sun is out

My head has been a bit cloudy about this whole France thing recently because I still haven't established myself in a life here. I've looked up gyms (which teach the same classes as the ones in Ottawa -- should be a comfort) and have picked out a scooter... but we've been waiting for the rain to stop so I can buy it and drive it home!

I've also been madly working on the book, but that doesn't count as far as setting up a life outside of the apartment. The internet says this place gets 300 days of sunshine a year. I really hope we get a few all clumped together right now. My creativity could use it.

Once I've got the scooter, I'm going to take a bunch of pictures to show what this place really looks like. It'll be a great project for my new-found freedom.


  1. I'm sure that having the scooter will give you the sense of freedom that you need. Can't wsit to see pictures!

  2. Me too! You have no idea how important that sense of freedom is right now... I had no idea how much of it I took for granted when I was living in Canada!

  3. Voila! The SUN is out! Take a break from working on the book this weekend! Another picnic?

